
Vidya Vikas Annual picnic

Every year we conduct an awareness walkathon event where all our Hindu brothers and sisters participate in a walkathon 2-5miles distance in a chosen location. It is a fun event and Hindu awareness event to public and also a socializing event

Saraswatī Pūjā

This is one key event for all the kids of VidyaVikas. On the day of Saraswati puja (usually the closest Sunday to Vasant Panchamī). All the kids gather in a big hall with small pooja samagri in front of them. The Temple priests gather and guide the kids to perform the Puja on this day to the deity. This is one event the kids can’t miss

Vedic Parade

This is a fun parade where the Kids dress up as their favorite Deity or Religious figure. The Kids present themselves and talk about the deity they chose. Once the event is completed the best presentation is graded and awarded.

Annual Event - Religion, Languages

Vidya Vikas Religion Hindu program, and Language programs individually conduct a flagship C.ultural event during the second semester. This event is organized to showcase the learning our students go through the entire year, and also help them build skills with script writing, audio editing, dramatics and overall stage presentation. This event is sought after by parents and children alike.

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